It's wonderful life, isn't it? And what makes life so brilliant is the people you have in it. About 4 years ago I moved into my fresh new abode in St Kilda with an armful of friends. I was moving into Lottie's old room. And that's where we first became aquainted. Since this very day we have seen this beautiful flower flourish into what she is today. A success. A real gem. A beauty. And last year her and her equally beautiful hubby, became wed. James and Lottie lead a life many would kill for. An old shed/warehouse in Yarraville, filled with collectables, easels, lace table cloths, books and painting and pictures scaling every wall. Clutter and butter, stairs to the kitchen and bedroom and a big roller door that opens up onto the street. It's heaven. James has dabbled in much creation now proving to be a very successful painter and there's plenty of room to move in the warehouse. Trust me. Lottie also runs a very interesting business of her own making jewelry from recycled metals. Her work is simply stunning. Staying true to her ilk, Lottie is a walking breath of fresh air tapping into vintage/corporal polished/war like romances with artish intelligence. She makes all of her pieces by hand as well as all of her own packaging.
Next month James and Lottie are moving to Italy to live in a beautiful old house in the country. A garage sale and barbeque a few weeks ago, saw all of the beautiful stuff from their place sold and into the possession of friends and family to live on forever. There's a poky sadness having this special space change but the excitement of the alternate is a leisure. I can't wait to see inspirations drawn from Europe in James' future work, and what Lottie has in store for her next! Here's a few pictures from Mr and Mrs Drinkwater's nest in Yarraville and a few examples of their work.
God bless beguiling people and how they decorate your life! It's an inspiration to us all to follow what we believe in, stay true to yourself and march ahead.

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