Oh god. Oh god. Oh sweet mother of jesus and all of his men and the horses they all rode in on. I now own, my very own, Designers Republic issue of Emigre from 1994. That's VINTAGE. My anniversary with my beloved beau, Matthew, was fast approaching, so I whipped into action a few months prior and emailed Michael C Place from Build, London, to ask if there was any hope of them having left over stock, or any spare copies of, well, really anything. Including Emigre, when Michael was working for The Designers Republic. His wife Nicky and I, from there on in began and cyber friendship where we'd wait for each others exchange of doting conversial wordstrums, see yous, thankyous and all the bests. Luckily enough, they were about to post alot of stuff that was just hanging around the studio up on their blog, to sell, so I got first dibbs on everything!! And scored one of the two Emigres that were left! Choice! Here are some photos of gift unwrapping on a day in October.
–BUILD vs DETUND silkscreen w/ flouro pink overlay poster.
This is a huge almost A1 poster designed back in 2006 by Michael for Detroit Underground. It cost me a little over $100 but was absolutely, completely more than worth it. They only had a few left and I'd been searching to get this for Matt for so long, so I'm lucky I snapped it up.
In case anyone wants to buy the Emifre magazine #29, the one about The Designers Republic, it's por sale on ebay: